RUSTARK is an innovative leader of deep grain processing and biotechnology industry in Russia.
Rustark's product range includes maltodextrins and dry glucose syrups under MultyDex ©️ brand name, premium corn starch native and modified, corn sweeteners of wide range, gluten, germ and corn protein feed. Rustark products are well-known and are supplied to more than 40 countries around the world.
All Rustark products are produced without the use of genetically modified raw materials, which is confirmed by the NON-GMO certificate from SGS.
Today, Rustark is a modern enterprise with a constant vector of innovative development, a symbol of the quality of a wide range of starch products in Russia and global markets. Rustark high products quality and food safety is based on accumulated production experience, modern automated equipment, continuous product and its applications development in own research center in the Skolkovo Innovation Center which is on par with the most successful world practices in biotechnology, logistics, R&D.
The strategic goal of Rustark is to become one of the world’s top industrial grain processors with commercial scale advanced biotechnological production and innovative range of globally demanded products.
6, Promishlennaya Str., Krasnoselsky village, Gulkevichsky district, Krasnodar region, 352189, Russia
Booth: 3B05